Searching for and Becoming an Admirable Mentor

Searching for and Becoming an Admirable Mentor

“Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.” 

Over the course of our professional careers, we are constantly learning more about ourselves, our company, and our industry. The result of this knowledge is growth; therefore, the faster we learn, the more success we gain. On a conscious level, we are better able to achieve our goals with the help of another person that sees our potential and guides us in the right direction. In our careers, this person is known as a mentor. 

In case you are not fully convinced on the benefits a mentor brings, we have outlined 10 concrete reasons why anyone would need a mentor: 

  1. A mentor takes you under their wing, helping you to stay motivated and discover the path you need to take.

  2. A mentor understands what it takes to get to the top and can be a valuable resource by answering your career or work related questions and providing good advice.

  3. A mentor provides you with a wealth of knowledge and resources and helps you to connect with various Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

  4. A mentor will be your own personal cheerleader and help you discover new opportunities.

  5. A mentor will be an advocate of your achievements and support you every step of your career.

  6. A mentor will let you shadow them at work or exchange career tips with you and alert you to new opportunities.

  7. A mentor will praise your accomplishments and provide you with constructive feedback.

  8. A mentor will help you to be passionate about your success and brand.

  9. A mentor will push you to hone and learn new skills that are needed for future roles.

  10. A mentor will provide life-long career advice and friendship.

After recognizing the benefits of a mentor, the next step is knowing how to pick the right person for the job. Here are some important questions to consider when choosing a mentor: 

1. What is my end goal? Have a clear understanding of what you hope to get out of the relationship – something specific like help with a specific skill (public speaking, closing the deal, organization, time management, etc.) or something a bit more abstract (leadership style, stress management practices, conflict resolution, work/life balance, coaching for advancement or a career change). 

2. What are my expectations? Have clear expectations with regard to how long the mentorship will last, how frequently you will meet and how long each session will last so all parties understand the time commitment involved. 

3. Are we both committed? Ensure you and your mentor have the time to invest in the relationship, and the work required to ensure a successful outcome. Both parties should be committed – intellect, heart, gut and time – all on the line – for the duration.

4. Have I considered all of the options? When choosing a mentor, think broadly and don’t limit your choices or default to someone in your inner circles or who reflects your own likeness. Consider people outside your company, industry, function or usual sphere of influence. Diversity and/or complementary styles and experiences can often have a more profound, transformational effect. Sometimes the best mentor may be a peer or a next gen, rising star. In all cases, your choice should be someone you admire, trust, respect and presents as a life-long learner.

5. Have I prepared adequately? Take personal responsibility for each session and keep in mind that most of the work between a mentor and mentee is performed by the mentee. Set goals and achieve them.

6. Have I considered the 4 Cs? Keep these 4 Cs in mind - communication, curiosity, challenge and creativity – people that: 1) communicate well; 2) possess intellectual curiosity; 3) challenge you, themselves and others;  and 4) approach development and problem-solving by employing creativity -  can help you excel, stay positive and blow through limiting beliefs to reveal and exploit your untapped potential.  

Good luck and remember, when the time is right, turn the tables and become a mentor!
